After studying sport science Florian Bücking received an educated as a contemporary dancer in Berlin and, after an engagement at Staatstheater Oldenburg, works as a freelance dancer in and outside of Berlin. Amongst others he works with MS Schrittmacher / Martin Stiefermann, Zen in the Basement, wee dance company, Michael Langeneckert, Maaike van Dyke, Pick up Dance Company, Tomi Paasonen, Tanzlange, Unterwegstheater Heidelberg, battleROYAL, Clint Lutes / Death by Glitter, movingtheatre Köln, Heidi Weiss, Melanie Lane, Anna Melnikova und Maya Caroll. He presents his own work at “Tanztage Berlin”. He Co-Choreographs with Emmanuel Obeya “Der Ring – next Generation” (Director: Robert Lehninger) at Deutsche Oper, Berlin and “Herr der Fliegen” at Deutsches Theater. Apart of that he choreographs since 2011 pieces for Dance Students at Balance 1, Berlin. Since 2011 he belongs to the team “Unterwegstheater goes Africa” which realizes theatre productions with children from Nairobi Slums, Kenia. Since 2019 he has been on board of LAFT Berlin (State Association of the Free Performing Arts).
Raisa Kröger is a freelance contemporary choreographer and dancer living in Berlin. After her education as a contemporary dancer she completed a further education in choreography at the “Tanzfabrik Berlin” with Christoph Winkler, Toula Limnaios und Jess Curtis and a somatic training with Sarah Menger (Body-Mind-Centering). As a dancer she worked with different artists like Simone Mousset, Rafal Dziemidok, Saskia Oidtmann, Romeo Castellucci, Jasmin Ihrac, Victoria Hauke/Chris Lechner, Jo Fabian, der wee dance company/Tanzcompany des Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau, Henrik Kaalund, Martin Stiefermann/Staatsoper Berlin, Ilona Pászthy, Isabelle Schad, Özlem Alkis and Friederike Plafki. Beside her work as a dancer and choreographer she is part of the collaborative studio garage ( and was a mentor for dance within the mentoring program of the Performing Arts Programm in Berlin from 2016 till 2019. Together with Cilgia Gadola and Christophe Knoch she is a founding member of the production management team M.i.C.A. – Movement in Contemporary Art (
Johanna Withelm is a dance and theater scholar and works as a freelance writer and editor. She writes about dance, performance and pop culture and is interested in the relationship between movement, text and body. She curated the dance and performance series Tanzbad and the A.PART festival at ada studio & Bühne für zeitgenössischen Tanz, wrote dance reviews for ada studio and the online portal “Tanzschreiber” (Tanzbüro Berlin) as well as texts for various media and artistic publications. She worked as a text editor in various projects and organizations, and spent five years in production management at Sophiensaele, Berlin. Since 2015 she is dramaturg of the choreographer duo bücking&kröger. Since 2023 she is editor of the tanzraumberlin magazine.
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